A Blog about life and the mind of a creative person who always thinks she has something to say.
He makes me Smile
Sunday, November 13, 2005
People need to speak out and some sharing!
Quote of the Day
"You must never forget those that have given their lives so you can be where you are today. This is why history must be taught so it does not repeat itself"
Wanda E. Santiago
I am working on an album for my friend Sylvie who has just been bless by a baby. Amelie will bring so much joy to their life I wanted to share in that joy. The best gift I can give is the gift of my art. No one has supported me more and given me so much than Sylvie many years ago offered me her friendship and I honor this with all my heart. I am a loyal friend when you offer me your friendship you can be sure I will be there for you in the good and the bad. I don't take friendships lightly especially because I live so far away from family members friendships are really important to me. Not everyone gets that but it is how I live my life.
Yesterday I was honored to make new friends when I went scraping with the Pink Ladies from scrapped It was awesome to share with Diana , Rita, and Diana's daughter. I got to talk with Marnie over the phone and that was awesome too. See friendships are really important to me. While talking about friends there is this most amazing woman called Relda who I have talked about before who honors me everyday with the gift of her friendship. My children who as they are growing are my friends and not afraid to tell me how it is, I cherish that. To my husband who is my best friend. My family is in a very special category they don't always get me but they always offer me their friendship. It is important in life to celebrate those that mean so much to you. More on this subject later! Here are some layouts I have worked on this weekend! Hugs Wanda
Oh what beautiful work Wanda. I especially love the "I'm tired" one with the yawn. I totally LOVE your banner too. I must know how you did it. I just can't figure out how to change my boring ol' banner. Hehe. Glad I found your blog.
Oh what beautiful work Wanda. I especially love the "I'm tired" one with the yawn. I totally LOVE your banner too. I must know how you did it. I just can't figure out how to change my boring ol' banner. Hehe. Glad I found your blog.
wanda....i LOVE LOVE your digi stuff:) i think you need to school me:)
Hi Wanda! You're awesome!
Wanda, you just get better and better. Love you buddy!
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