A Blog about life and the mind of a creative person who always thinks she has something to say.
He makes me Smile
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Saying I am sorry is ok!!
Today is a day to reflect on why is it important to say I am sorry. Last night was a very emotional night at our house. Mom that would be me opened her mouth and made Nicole very angry. She was so angry she lashed at me and at anyone around her. Now I am not going to give specifics of what happened it really doesn't matter. The thing that matter is what this made me think about. When I was growing up I really don't remember a time in which my mom ever apologized to me. I mean it would of been nice but that is not the way things were done back then. We do talk about things and work through our issues but it's nothing like the relationship I have with my kids. Case in point Nicole she is the sweetest woman I know she is beautiful caring and has a heat of gold. She is always watching out for me and making sure I have the things I need near me. That is just the way she is. She is a flight attendant which is a job that suits her well. She does have a hectic schedule and when she comes home all she wants is down time. I have to remember that because sometimes it easy to take people for granted. I think I do that a lot. While Nicole is all these things I say she also has a temper and we all know this in our family so we try not to get her mad. Ok first mistake Mother makes is to push her buttons to make her mad. What was I thinking! You know that when people get mad they say things they don't really mean but they mean it. That is what I am talking about I listened to what she was saying and here I am today reflecting on the importance of saying I am sorry to your children and for that matter to all those you love. To apologize to your children for being wrong is something as a parent you really need to do. I know as a parent I am always thinking I know what is best for my kids , but that doesn't make me right. I know I don't want them to make the same mistakes I made when I was younger but I also have to allow for the exploration of self and sometimes bite my tongue. I have been accused of many things by my children hey I have five it multiplies but one thing is for sure when I am wrong I apologize because it is the right thing to do. When I apologize I always explain to my kids what and why I am apologizing for. I admit when I am in the wrong and we try to learn from it. I remind them that I am very human and that I will always make mistakes, I know they can relate to that. The other thing I tell them is that I love them and they should never doubt my love for them even when they are mad at me. I also have taught them that if they feel I should apologized for something they need to let me know because sometimes in my mom mode I forget that I am not perfect and to tell you the truth I can't always read their minds. I mean I can sometimes and I would say 80% of the time I get it right but hey I am only human. So here is my visual tribute to this wonderful daughter and friend I have even when she pushes me away I am too stubborn to listen. I love her to pieces and I want to say to her how sorry I am for opening my mouth and hurting your feelings. I would not like me either, just remember I love you and I am glad we got to talk. Thank you cyber friends for reading and feel free to leave comments and insight. Hugs Wanda
1 comment:
Wanda! I don't know what to say to describe how I feel about this beautiful entry (teary-eyed, here). Just know that it touches my heart. All my love.
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