Friendships are the Salt of the Earth and other thoughts!
It's Wednesday and I feel the middle of the week struggle in my soul. My day started good slow and gentle and I like days like this were the tone in my soul is set by me not the stuff that happens around me. Then it happened a student that I love dearly cursed me out and my soul is hurt beyond compare. Now don't get me wrong I will survive this, it has not happened often in the 14 years I have been teaching but it has happened. So I look inside of me and try to figure out what makes a person do this and I recognize that youth does not always come with instructions and kids have a hard time controlling their emotions. I am not excusing what he did I am just trying to make sure I don't take it personal even when it was. I sit here and become introspective and decide today is a good day to talk about friendships and what they mean to me. I have been honored to have met amazing people in my life and I cherish the friendships we share. Today I am going to talk about some of them. Friendships are like fine wine if you take care of them and nurture them they get better and better. I have been touched by love and that to me is the most valuable gift I can receive. I met Sylvie through a board we both were a part off. We started talking and our friendship grew from there. It has been three years or more since we have been friends. She has been there to listen to me whine about life, kids, and art. She encourages me when I am down, most off all she has allowed me to be me and nurtured my artistic soul. She is loved in our house when I talk about Sylvie my kids know who I am talking about. The other person that happens with is Relda and Sylvia, more about Relda and Sylvia later.
What is truly wonderful about this friendship is that distance is not an issue she lives thousands of miles away but in my heart she lives close. My wish is to meet her and give her a big hug and just sit down talk and create. She is a wonderful artist and I love when she creates pages. So today I honor her by letting her know that her friendship is something I hold dear to my heart and that I am honored to be her friend. See when we honor those we care about we are leaving behind a legacy of love and our lives are not lived in vain. Making sure we let those we love know we love them has to be a priority in our lives. We get caught up in the I have to do this and I need to get that and we forget that when we die we will not be able to take with us any of these things. We will leave this planet as we came in, the thing we do have in our control is how we are remembered and this is the legacy. So don't ever hold back from showing love and affection sometimes even when someone hurts you is the only thing that will make sense of acts that don't always make sense. See cyber friends it all about the love. Hugs Wanda
1 comment:
Wanda, I think you see so much good in other people because you yourself are full of goodness and compassion. I can't thank fate enough to have put us on a common path! I will treasure your friendship forever.
All my love to you, and your family!
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