A Blog about life and the mind of a creative person who always thinks she has something to say.
He makes me Smile
Saturday, September 17, 2005
It's Saturday no work and I am home. The house is quiet and the smell of fresh coffee is in the air. I am thinking I should get off the computer and have breakfast but here I sit putting down my thoughts on paper well sort of before I forget what I need to say. Today is a day for relaxing for the most part, I was invited to a wedding but unless the girls get here it's not going to happen. I wanted to go but hey if it doesn't happen I am ok with that. I made a layout yesterday which really was one of those I need to get my thoughts out kind of thing. I really liked how it came out so I will share it here with you my cyber friends. You see I believe that in life if you don't have a passion for something you really are not living life to the fullest extent and you kind of miss out on something. Now I know people are not going to have all the same passions which is ok variety is the spice of life but if you have at least one passion you are able to understand when others are so involved in what they are doing. Me for example my passions are my family yeah you guessed it they really are. I worry about them love, them ok you get the picture, as much as I love them and I do they are a passion that destiny and life gave me. In my personal life, the me part of me, my passions are photography, writing and creating. I love to combine these three elements and this is why I became a scrapbooker. Scrapbooking combined all these elements into one passion and I really needed that in my life. I look back at when I started not really knowing anything about the hobby and I think to myself what a wonderful journey it has been. The people I have met in the process and the learning. Yes it is all about the learning, I love to learn, new things always intrigue me I read up on them I examine if I am capable of doing it and I try it at least once. I have no idea if other people are like that I know I am. I have always been self taught. Everything I know about something I have taught myself which really might explain a lot of things. I read up look at tutorials do a lot of trial and error but I always take risk because when it comes to creating that is who I am. So I leave you with some images today of my passion and hope that your weekend is wonderful and that life always gives you what you desire and that is doesn't just keep trying the world is not for those that give up easily.
1 comment:
The images aren't loading for me so I'll try a bit later. However, I want to be the first to say 'this is a great entry, Wanda'!!! :)
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