He makes me Smile

He makes me Smile

Friday, September 30, 2005

Friday and all it's Joy!!

Last night I received a call that I can say without a doubt made my week. You are looking at one of the new designers for Croppers Cottage an online store and community I have been a part of for a while. I have guest designed there on and off, but now it's official and I am delighted to be a part of this growing community. The people at the cottage are friendly loving and have always been very supportive of me and my family. Their layouts are in this blog so you can tell how much they mean to me. Through the cottage I meet Sylvie and she is a friend I treasure with all my heart. Relda who is also a part of the Cottage I meet through scrapbookaddicts and the rest is history. I was thinking I started scrapping in April of the year 2001, I had no idea what I was doing but trial and error is a wonderful thing. I was first published by Memory Makers magazine and the rest as they say is history. I have been published in over 40 publications and have four projects pending. Need to keep submitting I have been a little lazy on that front lately. I have applied and been rejected for many design teams but that is just how this industry works. I am not going to get into why I think this happens because this is a happy post and we are not going to go there. I won one major contest with an awesome prize and got to buy my Drebel with the prize I say good investment Wanda. I am always learning always changing and I have a passion for Art and design. My family understands my passion and love me enough to allow me to be me. I have traveled and taught my passion and I feel honored to have touched people's lives in one way or another. I value the human touch and when I have these connections it makes my heart feel at peace. Through my art I have been able to connect to this wonderful group of Puertorican woman they know who they are, they mean the world to me. When I do something or accomplish anything I think of them first because the pride I have in being Boricua lives in my soul as a living tribute to the island that I love. The photos you see are people that I admire love and feel honored to know. The love I have for my island nation can only compare to the love I have for my family and people that know me know that in my life my family is all I have. They are the glue that keeps me together. I have a life outside my family but my family is always first in my book. So today is a day of many celebrations but above all it's a celebration of love. The love for family friends craft and art. Hey for all that don't know. Yo soy Boricua pa que tu lo sepas. Hugscyber friends Wanda

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Thursday thoughts!

Well it is Thursday and with it comes the realization that I have not updated my Blog this week. I was wondering about that I think it had to do with my life being what it is hectic. I was in a creative zone this week which is nice for a change. I have started a friendship album and it really is wonderful to make pages that reflect my love of digital scrapping but also the people that have touched my life one way or another. This hobby has opened many doors for me and I am gratefully for the experiences I have gained through it. I have this need to give back a little of the love and cared I have received and for me it to do pages that say thanks for being a friend. I love what I have done so far. Many more to come but it's a start a way to give a little back to those that have touched me and been there for me. I leave you with some of them now. I hope your day is filled with joy that you realize that even in the hustle we call life we need to take time out to take care of us and that if that time is not taken we wither and are not productive. So my advice for today is to take time for you because you are the most important person in this planet. Hugs Cyber Friends Wanda

Monday, September 19, 2005

Monday Monday!!

I am never sure about Mondays part of that is because I am not always sure of how I feel about this day of the week. I know it's coming but still don't mentally prepare for it. I would really want someone to advice me on how to make Mondays better. Anyways my weekend was productive I was able to create some pages on the computer and I like how they came out. I bought a new toy to play on the computer more on that later. The truth is my weekend was pretty normal which in a house with eight people is an accomplishment. I leave you with the images of the work I created this weekend and remember each day should be lived with intensity and loving those around us. Hugs Cyber Friends Wanda

Saturday, September 17, 2005


It's Saturday no work and I am home. The house is quiet and the smell of fresh coffee is in the air. I am thinking I should get off the computer and have breakfast but here I sit putting down my thoughts on paper well sort of before I forget what I need to say. Today is a day for relaxing for the most part, I was invited to a wedding but unless the girls get here it's not going to happen. I wanted to go but hey if it doesn't happen I am ok with that. I made a layout yesterday which really was one of those I need to get my thoughts out kind of thing. I really liked how it came out so I will share it here with you my cyber friends. You see I believe that in life if you don't have a passion for something you really are not living life to the fullest extent and you kind of miss out on something. Now I know people are not going to have all the same passions which is ok variety is the spice of life but if you have at least one passion you are able to understand when others are so involved in what they are doing. Me for example my passions are my family yeah you guessed it they really are. I worry about them love, them ok you get the picture, as much as I love them and I do they are a passion that destiny and life gave me. In my personal life, the me part of me, my passions are photography, writing and creating. I love to combine these three elements and this is why I became a scrapbooker. Scrapbooking combined all these elements into one passion and I really needed that in my life. I look back at when I started not really knowing anything about the hobby and I think to myself what a wonderful journey it has been. The people I have met in the process and the learning. Yes it is all about the learning, I love to learn, new things always intrigue me I read up on them I examine if I am capable of doing it and I try it at least once. I have no idea if other people are like that I know I am. I have always been self taught. Everything I know about something I have taught myself which really might explain a lot of things. I read up look at tutorials do a lot of trial and error but I always take risk because when it comes to creating that is who I am. So I leave you with some images today of my passion and hope that your weekend is wonderful and that life always gives you what you desire and that is doesn't just keep trying the world is not for those that give up easily.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Family is all that matters in life!!

Family is what keep me going and make me who I am today. I am so determined to make sure my family knows how important they are to me I always wonder. When I created this layout these were my thoughts. The journaling reads like this Family has always been important to me. I do not have many memories of my Mom and Dad being a family. They divorced when I was too young and in my lifetime they have never lived together. What I do know is that when I see these pictures I know that they loved each other and that they were a very young couple trying to have a family. I have a wonderful relationship with both my parents I have worked hard at making sure I understood why they could not be a couple. I am older and wiser and now I understand, I wished I had known what it was like to see them together as one. In my dreams as a little girl I always pictured them together. Those were the dreams of a little girl who really did not know how adults think. I am glad for the memories these pictures bring. I am jealous because my brother is the only person that is a part of the family unit. I think that is a normal emotion to feel. Now I cherish each and very one of the pictures I find were both of them are together because we are family not because we live together but because of the love that binds us. Elizabeth, Adalberto, Adalberto jr. 1958 Now as my family gets older and I wonder do they realize the importance of family. Sometimes it is hard because I think my kids feel all we have is each other in many ways they are right because we live so far from our immediate family what we have is each other to lean on and that is about it. Some days that gets hard and I am grateful for friends that care for me and listen to me when I need an ear. I was thinking of the tributes I have done to those I love. Here is one I made to my grandmother How do I pay tribute to a woman that raised me when my mother was not around. Who taught me how to cook and who taught me to always believe in myself even when those around me did not have a clue. I think the best tribute I can do is to make sure I tell the story of the wedding ring. My grandmother Evangelista Rodriguez, died on July 25, 1981. It was a very sad time in our family she had been battling with cancer for over four years. She was an amazing woman and to this day I feel the void she has left in my heart. There are truly no words to explain all the lessons learned at her knee when I was just a little girl. One of those stories involved her wedding ring. My grandmother had a beautiful wedding ring and when I was growing up I would make her put it on my finger so I could wear it. I would swirl around in circles and sing songs of how I was going to get married and this was the ring I was going to wear. My grandmother would laugh and I would have to give the ring back. I was not very a happy camper when the ring had to go back to it's rightful owner. Well the years passed and I got married in 1980. My husband and I were young and in love and not much money. He gave me a beautiful ring that I cherish with all my heart. Then in May of 1981 on mother's day my grandmother invited me over for dinner and to spend time with her. When I got to the house she told me to go to her room and get her jewelry box. When I get to her room there was a note on the box that said open the box. When I opened the box inside was my grandmother's wedding ring with a note from her to put it on. She had stopped wearing her ring because of all the weight she had lost due to her chemotherapy. I was so surprised I did not know what to say. When I go to the living room my husband and grandmother are talking to each other and she puts our hands together and says to us "with this ring I thee wed" She told my husband from now on you will make sure she doesn't take this ring off. All I could do was cry. My dream had come true. My grandmother wanted to make sure I had the ring before she died. During the last two months of her life I don't remember leaving her side much. I took care of her and nursed her until she closed her eyes and went to rest in the hands of her savior. I was heartbroken but I know that now she lives in no pain. When I got the ring it was already forty five years old. I have been married 23 years so the ring is 68 years old. The ring is just an object but the link of love from my grandmother to me is indescribable. I am honored to be able to pass on this and many other stories of this woman who loved me so much. This is just one small tribute so my children will always remember the story of the ring. So here I am making sure these are the memories I cherish and leave for my children so they never forget that the bottom line is that family is what connects of to this earth and that family is not only about blood is about heart. Here is the tribute I did for Hubby layouts will be posted later.
All elements are Denise Docherty, she is such an awesome artist I can't say enough about her elements.
There has never been a time in my life when I havenÂ’t loved you. We have been together for so long and yet to this day I feel the same way towards you like the first day I knew I loved you. Our lives have not been easy but you have always provided me with the support that makes dreams happen. You have believed in me you have comforted me and you have yelled at me. Through all our times good or bad not once have I doubted the love you have for me. Sometimes itÂ’s the only thing that gets me going when my dreams seem out of reach. The true nature of people always surfaces when crisis happen you have always been the one to hold me tight when I have fallen you have also been the one standing next to me when I achieve something, but it has been my arms around you when you have needed me to support you and you have never been ashamed to share your tears with me. You are an amazing man no words can really describe all that you are to me and your family. I am so honored to be the woman who gets to share a life with you. I love you sweet man. Your wife Wanda
Another tribute I did for my hubby, the journaling reads like this: The many layers of the man I love. I can not think of a time in my life when I have not loved or admired you. Ours is a love born out of what people call impossible dreams. We were too young and we would never work out. People use to say you were not good enough for me. What did they know. You proved them all wrong by allowing me to be me and become the woman I am today. Ours was not a fairy tale wedding we already had a child and we had no money for any big party. It didn't matter we were in love and we were determined to be together no matter what. You were my anchor when I could not get pregnant and when I was pregnant with our second child, and she was born you were so proud of your baby girl. Four kids in five years people thought we were crazy I think to some extent we were. Our life was all about pampers and doctors appointments. Through it all you were with me and never complained about all the things involved in raising five kids. One day we talked and decided that we wanted something better for our kids and we took our family and moved to the mainland. You never complained about not speaking English or missing your family. We were your family and this is were your heart was. You became a stay at home dad while I went to the university to finish my degree. The day I received my diploma from the University you wore my gown and hat because the degree was for both of us. You then decided to work a second shift job to be at home with the kids because you felt it was important to be at home when they were there. You have sacrificed so much for us and sometimes I feel that people do not understand what makes you the person you are. I love the many layers of you. The soft guy that is always worried about me and the kids. The serious guy who the kids know not to mess with. The gentle you that guy that takes care of our grandson even with very little sleep that guy who will melt with just a look from Jimmy. The distant guy that does not really trust anyone. The son the one that always worries about his mother and tries to help her even when things are tight in our house. The passionate you the guy that always makes me feel loved and does not care how I look. The guy who is always willing to sacrifice himself for me. The son in law the one that loves my mother and is always willing to help her when she needs it. You are a man of many layers and I love all of them. You have always been my true love. The greatest love of my life. After thirty one years of being together my heart still feels like the first day I saw you. I have no idea what my life would of been without you in it. You the man of many layers my true love. The person I admire most because through you I learned that too sacrifice for love is no sacrifice at all. When a person gives of themselves like you do there will always be a light at the end of any tunnel. I do not think words can really express to you the love and admiration I have for you. I am glad they will be a part of this book that will be for our children when we pass away.
So you see Cyber friends I think I am leaving a legacy behind I just want to make sure it's something that my children will always value because family and friends are never to be taken for granted. Everyword we say has to count making sure we let them know how we feel will make all the relationships we have healthier.
Hugs Cyber Friends Wanda

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Saying I am sorry is ok!!

Today is a day to reflect on why is it important to say I am sorry. Last night was a very emotional night at our house. Mom that would be me opened her mouth and made Nicole very angry. She was so angry she lashed at me and at anyone around her. Now I am not going to give specifics of what happened it really doesn't matter. The thing that matter is what this made me think about. When I was growing up I really don't remember a time in which my mom ever apologized to me. I mean it would of been nice but that is not the way things were done back then. We do talk about things and work through our issues but it's nothing like the relationship I have with my kids. Case in point Nicole she is the sweetest woman I know she is beautiful caring and has a heat of gold. She is always watching out for me and making sure I have the things I need near me. That is just the way she is. She is a flight attendant which is a job that suits her well. She does have a hectic schedule and when she comes home all she wants is down time. I have to remember that because sometimes it easy to take people for granted. I think I do that a lot. While Nicole is all these things I say she also has a temper and we all know this in our family so we try not to get her mad. Ok first mistake Mother makes is to push her buttons to make her mad. What was I thinking! You know that when people get mad they say things they don't really mean but they mean it. That is what I am talking about I listened to what she was saying and here I am today reflecting on the importance of saying I am sorry to your children and for that matter to all those you love. To apologize to your children for being wrong is something as a parent you really need to do. I know as a parent I am always thinking I know what is best for my kids , but that doesn't make me right. I know I don't want them to make the same mistakes I made when I was younger but I also have to allow for the exploration of self and sometimes bite my tongue. I have been accused of many things by my children hey I have five it multiplies but one thing is for sure when I am wrong I apologize because it is the right thing to do. When I apologize I always explain to my kids what and why I am apologizing for. I admit when I am in the wrong and we try to learn from it. I remind them that I am very human and that I will always make mistakes, I know they can relate to that. The other thing I tell them is that I love them and they should never doubt my love for them even when they are mad at me. I also have taught them that if they feel I should apologized for something they need to let me know because sometimes in my mom mode I forget that I am not perfect and to tell you the truth I can't always read their minds. I mean I can sometimes and I would say 80% of the time I get it right but hey I am only human. So here is my visual tribute to this wonderful daughter and friend I have even when she pushes me away I am too stubborn to listen. I love her to pieces and I want to say to her how sorry I am for opening my mouth and hurting your feelings. I would not like me either, just remember I love you and I am glad we got to talk. Thank you cyber friends for reading and feel free to leave comments and insight. Hugs Wanda

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Friendships are the Salt of the Earth and other thoughts!

It's Wednesday and I feel the middle of the week struggle in my soul. My day started good slow and gentle and I like days like this were the tone in my soul is set by me not the stuff that happens around me. Then it happened a student that I love dearly cursed me out and my soul is hurt beyond compare. Now don't get me wrong I will survive this, it has not happened often in the 14 years I have been teaching but it has happened. So I look inside of me and try to figure out what makes a person do this and I recognize that youth does not always come with instructions and kids have a hard time controlling their emotions. I am not excusing what he did I am just trying to make sure I don't take it personal even when it was. I sit here and become introspective and decide today is a good day to talk about friendships and what they mean to me. I have been honored to have met amazing people in my life and I cherish the friendships we share. Today I am going to talk about some of them. Friendships are like fine wine if you take care of them and nurture them they get better and better. I have been touched by love and that to me is the most valuable gift I can receive. I met Sylvie through a board we both were a part off. We started talking and our friendship grew from there. It has been three years or more since we have been friends. She has been there to listen to me whine about life, kids, and art. She encourages me when I am down, most off all she has allowed me to be me and nurtured my artistic soul. She is loved in our house when I talk about Sylvie my kids know who I am talking about. The other person that happens with is Relda and Sylvia, more about Relda and Sylvia later. What is truly wonderful about this friendship is that distance is not an issue she lives thousands of miles away but in my heart she lives close. My wish is to meet her and give her a big hug and just sit down talk and create. She is a wonderful artist and I love when she creates pages. So today I honor her by letting her know that her friendship is something I hold dear to my heart and that I am honored to be her friend. See when we honor those we care about we are leaving behind a legacy of love and our lives are not lived in vain. Making sure we let those we love know we love them has to be a priority in our lives. We get caught up in the I have to do this and I need to get that and we forget that when we die we will not be able to take with us any of these things. We will leave this planet as we came in, the thing we do have in our control is how we are remembered and this is the legacy. So don't ever hold back from showing love and affection sometimes even when someone hurts you is the only thing that will make sense of acts that don't always make sense. See cyber friends it all about the love. Hugs Wanda

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

She is a treasure beyond treasure, she touched my heart like to one has done in a long time. I want to get to know her better. I believe she is going to do big things and be a shinning star. She just needs to be her and what she is is perfect. Sylvia is very lucky to have such a wonderful daughter, I was honored to meet her and share with her. This is a very special lady. Hugs Wanda Posted by Picasa

A boy and his Cat. This is such a beautiful picture of Sylvia's son. I don't like the glare of the glasses but that little boy's smile is to cute to resist. Sylvia loves her kids to pieces and seeing her share with them was an honor! Hugs Wanda Posted by Picasa

This is Qqui's daughter she is the most gentle sweet girl I have meet in a long time. She is beautiful and kind and her mother is very proud of her. She has a treasure in this young woman. Hugs Wanda Posted by Picasa

This is Alondra Amanda's Sister I love that look in her eyes it says hey are you looking at me. Hugs Wanda Posted by Picasa