A Blog about life and the mind of a creative person who always thinks she has something to say.
He makes me Smile
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Trying to be at more than one place is not easy!!
As a teacher it has been my mantra that you have to be a positive example in your students life. As a mother that is what keeps me going! I am trying as a WLS patient to be that a positive example even when things are not perfect knowing that this surgery is a tool and that I was given this tool to use it. I am at 317 pounds which means that since the day of my surgery I have lost 63 pounds. I left the Hospital at 370, came home and as of today this is my weight loss. It has been slow and steady and because of my fluid retention on my abdomen who knows how many more pounds I have lost. I am taking my furrosimide everyday because my legs get really swollen with the shift on how I carry my weight. I have Varicose veins popping everywhere because of the change in how my weight is carried. You ask me will you have done it if you knew all these was going to happen my answer is yes. I just would of been more mentally prepared for the challenges ahead. I am doing OK I am still at home due to Dr's orders I loose my balance easily and the weight of my Panni is taking a toll on my back. I go see another plastic surgeon on Tuesday and then I will know when I will have the next surgery. I am worried but my worries are more of a financial nature I am the main wage earner in the house so I am waiting on a decision from the people that handle our long term disability policy and see what they have to say. I am hoping that all goes well and not to many hurdles to jump. I miss being in the classroom but right now I know I would not be of any good in a class full of teenagers. I want to be well so I can give them my all. So April is the date the Dr has in mind right now but that is also tentative and if I have surgery that can change. My life is never easy, but I roll with the punches because I know I am blessed in so many ways. I try to always look for that light at the end of the tunnel that will illuminate my path so I don't falter and I keep going always with the hope that things have to get better. I think that keeps me balanced. My hubby and my youngest went to Puerto Rico to visit family and this is when I am happy Nicole does the job she loves. Her benefits blessed us with the opportunity to go and see our family. I know before she had this job I had not been to Puerto Rico in almost seven years. So now they are there and I am hoping it stops raining enough that they can enjoy their stay. I am pretty sure they will. I miss them but I am so happy they got to go. They stay with family so not to much cost involved and the trip is part of her benefits. I hope I can go this summer and spend some time with my family over there. It will all depend on my health.
I am creating which is always good and I need to scan all these pages I have not scanned and I taking care of me that is a full time job. You can't stop caring about yourself because you are the most precious thing you have. So make sure you continue to live life with a purpose and I promise I will be updating more!! Hugs Wanda
Hey Girl! I'm sure surprise to hear of the surgery and pray that you are healed and running around in a red thong for your sweetie really soon. :) Hugs! Marilyn
"You can't stop caring about yourself because you are the most precious thing you have. " It's hard at times, but I totally agree. I'm also so happy because you really do sound happy, even though you are going through a lot :)
Wow! You've been through a lot but that sunny personality is going strong. Congrats on the 63 pounds - hey, that's an 8-year-old! And your layouts are divine! Glad to see you blogging.
Wanda---you are such an inspiration. I am loving seeing the new you emerging. Or I should say the real you showing yourself again. You are beautiful! I love the photos of you in the hat and your pretty hair flowing! When do you have your panniculectomy? hugs~~~
Hey Girl! I'm sure surprise to hear of the surgery and pray that you are healed and running around in a red thong for your sweetie really soon. :) Hugs! Marilyn
"You can't stop caring about yourself because you are the most precious thing you have. " It's hard at times, but I totally agree. I'm also so happy because you really do sound happy, even though you are going through a lot :)
Wow! You've been through a lot but that sunny personality is going strong. Congrats on the 63 pounds - hey, that's an 8-year-old! And your layouts are divine! Glad to see you blogging.
You can't stop caring about yourself because you are the most precious thing you have... My Wanda, how well said...
Keep going ! sending my best prayers to you... I know you'll get though all this... You deserve the best at then end !
Wanda---you are such an inspiration. I am loving seeing the new you emerging. Or I should say the real you showing yourself again. You are beautiful! I love the photos of you in the hat and your pretty hair flowing!
When do you have your panniculectomy?
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