A Blog about life and the mind of a creative person who always thinks she has something to say.
He makes me Smile
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Jimmy's Army
Well after reading my tittle you are all going to wonder what is wrong with Wanda but when you see the photos you will get it. I have been at home wont be able to go back to work until April according to my DR. I need to keep my feet up because they get swollen due to the weight of my abdomen. I keep getting smaller and it keeps getting harder to carry my abdomen. It(my abdomen) retains water and has a life of it's own. I was not prepared mentally for this when it started now I just roll with the punches and try to look at the positives. I wanted to send big hugs to all the people that in one way or another have helped me the past months. The list is big but you guys know who you are and all I am going to say is that there are no words in the world that can express how moved touched I am by the care you have showed me and my family. This month I know the challenges of dealing with the huge pay cut the district made me realize that there is no way I can do some things all by myself and the love and support and prayers are all cherished in my heart. My kids use to ask me Mom why do you do the things you do and I always said because when you live life with a purpose you know you have a direction and even when things seem to be at their worst light and wisdom will come out of every situation. I realize when people are young and you tell them things like this they look at you and shrug their shoulders and sometimes think yeah right. The truth is that my kids have seen the love and care people we have sometimes no even meet reaching out to help. This in itself is one of the most valuable lessons we have learned from this experience.
The lessons for me are of a different nature, some have to do with my ability to be resilient and face obstacles I had no idea I could. That setting personal goals for myself is something I can do but look forward to each day. That my creativity and art are an integral part of my soul and that if I am not able to be creative my soul can die. That I have five kids that are all unique in different ways but each day they show me the way they love me is unconditional. That my friends humbles me. I think I will write more about this one later. That my grandson is the sweetest kid I know and that even though he lives in two households and is back and forth every other week he never forgets me. Proof of this on Tuesday when he left he said to me "Grandma I am going to miss you when I go to Daddy's house, you remember me OK" Now how can I forget this dear child is beyond me. The truth is that this kid is such a gift when he saw his dad he said to him Daddy I missed you. He is so sweet and words still come easy for him. My prayers are that he never changes. I have been creating as always some pages a lot of crocheting I am also making leg warmers and hats you can place an order with me for those .So the list is right now I have scarves, ponchos, leg warmers and Hats. My method of preferred payment is pay pal. Feel free to email me at gel2mat@yahoo.com if you want any of my handmade creations. Scarves are 20-25, belts are 10-15, ponchos 30-40 hats are 10-15 and leg warmers and 2o-30 depending on the yarn. My daughter is in one of the photos modeling a hat scarf and her leg warmers. Make sure if you stop by leave me some love!! Winter is not going anywhere but I also make light things for spring and summer. The layouts on this post one is for Scrap Kitchen the new kit Chef has available for sale and her Phunky frames. I love them. The photo of mw which I took in my bathroom mirror the overlays are by Clara Wallace from A matter of Scrap. Thank you for stopping by, as always live life with a purpose. Hugs Wanda
Wow Wanda, you are not an idle woman are you? I just love your creations! I just wanted to let you know that I caught DIY's scrapbooking show, and saw a book of yours on the show! That is so neat, you are famous! :)
Wanda, you are amazing. Congratulations on your weight loss so far... you are such a strong women. You look beautiful, and I hope you feel that way as well.You are an inspiration. God Bless you Wanda!
Oh Wanda it's so wonderful to see a new layout from you! What a treat!! Love all the swirls and the colors are so incredible! Glad to hear things are going well!!
Wow Wanda, you are not an idle woman are you? I just love your creations! I just wanted to let you know that I caught DIY's scrapbooking show, and saw a book of yours on the show! That is so neat, you are famous! :)
Take care, from a cyber-friend.
Wanda,I wish I had your strength and resilience sometime. Thank you for being my friend and an inspiration to so many.
Hey forgot to say that Jimmy's army made me smile (what a handsome and sweet little man he is)and you, my dear, are so beautiful :)
Wanda, you are amazing. Congratulations on your weight loss so far... you are such a strong women. You look beautiful, and I hope you feel that way as well.You are an inspiration. God Bless you Wanda!
Wanda, its great to see you are doing well. Your photos and layouts are just beautiful. Love the army photos.
Take Care
I love your new layout. You are starting to look different already! Your face is so much thinner. It still looks like you though :)
Oh Wanda it's so wonderful to see a new layout from you! What a treat!! Love all the swirls and the colors are so incredible! Glad to hear things are going well!!
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