It has been months since we last saw each other in the process of my journey one of the things I have neglected is my blog not sure why but here I am again, hopefully I will be more consistent and update every week or more. So what have I been up too? I just had surgery on May 15, 2007 I had a panniculectomy the plastic surgeon removed part of my lower abdomen including my belly button and now all that extra weight that was in my front is gone. I can see my knees I have dimples in my knees it is kind of funny. I can fit into clothes I never thought I could wear. I have lost a total of 150 pounds since this journey started,the day of my first surgery the gastric bypass I was at 389 since the surgery I have lost 130 pounds, I sometimes have a hard time believing all I have lost but it is true and the fact none of my clothes really fit is why I know it is real. I look at my face and I have big eyes, cheekbones, I am 109 pounds away from my goal weight. I gave myself a 150 goal weight. If I lose more I am OK with that but 150 is the goal for me right now. I had to go to the emergency room tonight because my JP drain was not working and when I got to the emergency room it had fallen off my body. In the afternoon I had gone to see my Primary Doctor and he was worried about an infection so he gave me a shot (hurt like @#$#) and gave me antibiotics to drink, the emergency room ran labs and I have to call my surgeon in the morning to see what she wants to do. See taking care of me is a 24/7 job. My labs say I have anemia so I have to keep on top of that. Life really never stops around here. One of the things that happened to me in the last three months was a computer malfunction so I was with no computer for almost five weeks give or take. I knew I am computer dependent but when the computer was not here I could not even pay the bills.
Right before my surgery in April I had pneumonia and that made it so I almost missed my fathers 70 birthday in Puerto Rico, on April 20 all the siblings were going to get together and surprise my Dad on this big birthday celebration he had no Idea was going on. My DR gave me the OK to go a Day before my plane was scheduled to leave, needless to say it is a great thing my daughter is a flight attendant those trips would never happen otherwise, I don't have the resources to do things like this but her benefits make it possible for me to go places. I don't think I thank her enough for being who she is. We got there Wednesday in the afternoon, Thursday and Friday she and I went to the beach so she could get some sun and the Friday night we had the Birthday bash and she and I danced the night away.It was wonderful, while I was the my Titi Ana gave me Salvia (Aloe) and that took care of my sickness for good.
The biggest thing for me about going to the island is that I was going to see my little brother on my Dad's side after almost thirty six years we were going to see each other again, I was finally going to meet his wife and two of his kids. I think that there are truly no words to express the joy I have in my heart right now that this has happened, sitting next to him, talking dancing sharing made me realize who many thing he and I have in common and the deep connection we share. I loved his wife, she is like me says it like it is and such a wonderful heart you can tell by the way she is with babies, his kids oh man they reminded me of mine when they were that age. Good times good times. Nicole had to go back to work on Saturday so I stayed in the island for about a week more and got to share with my Sister Eva her Kids and I got to see a little more of my Big brother Adalberto, I think as we get older we realize how important are the connections we have with each other. I think for me that is what it's all about family is number one and we need to make sure we take care of the one's we love and keep cultivating those relationships so they grow up to be strong trees that even in storms can not be moved.This reminds me of the most wonderful person I have the honor of calling friend she has been my number one fan since I started this journey and when I had this second surgery she came in to see me at the hospital, I know for a fact she is a very busy woman but always takes time for me it humbles me to call her friend. I know she reads my blog so Rita if you are reading this thank you so much for all you do for me and for always making me feel very special. You have a gift my friend the world is a better place because you are in it. I love ya!! Moving on!
I want to go visit my brother this summer, I want to go back to the island before summer is over. This is going to be the first year I will not be teaching summer school, if my DR releases me to work I will need to find a job after June 15 I have no income coming to me at all because of the way this disability works. They only pay you for the hours you are under contract and as on June 15 the contract is done and I don't start again until the end of August or the Dr releases me to work which can be longer. I am so worried at many levels especially because right now my health is fragile. So keep me in your thoughts so I can keep healing and get a summer job that I enjoy and will make sure I pay the bills. I will come back to this theme at another time. Just pray I receive wisdom to make the right choices. I am going to be a grandma again in September looking forward to that a new life is always a blessing and Jimmy is looking forward to being a big brother. Here are images of some of the things I have been talking about. Remember to live life with a purpose no matter what you do in life if you live life with a purpose you are always going to touch someone. Enjoy the photos more to come soon I hope. Hugs Wanda
you are looking HOT!!!!! i am sooo proud of you honey!!!! keep up the good work!!!!
you look awesome! i was getting worried about you, so it is wonderful to see an update!
Yay for lack of sleep!!! I enjoyed allthe pictures...I have to come back this evening to read up...I was browsing thru quickly while waiting for the kids to get ready to go
Love ya!
Wow Wanda. You are amazing to be so forthright and honest to share such a very personal journey. I'll keep you in my prayers and that everything works out for your regarding employment, etc. ..Aleida
look at you, you hawt mama!!!!! i'm so proud of you!
Wanda you look just BEAUTIFUL:) You have a gorgeous family too! What a ride you've been on! I'll keep you in my prayers, believe me I understand how stressful it really is to worry about paying the bills...I'm in that place on a daily basis.
Congratulations on all of your weight loss. Keep up the wonderful attitude.
Niki M
Wanda I love all these incredible photos you posted and you look so beautiful!!! Loving that new layout too! Glad to see you update!!!!
Wendy Malichio
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