I have been thinking about his weekend and what it means to me. You see I adore my Dad but I always keep it real and my Dad and my Mom Divorced when I was little and my relationship with him while not perfect is something that I value and cherish. I remember when I graduated from College and he came to Wisconsin to see me receive my diploma and go see the kids play soccer and share memories with them because once I moved to Wisconsin we did not see each other until then. We talked on the phone, wrote letters, he sent me stuff for the kids and me and he has always been there in spirit and thought but seeing him well that was pretty special getting to hug him and kiss him are things I never take for granted. I saw him last summer and we play phone tag a lot but I know he loves me and that is what makes

me value every second I can spend with him. I am not insecure on my love for him because this man has always made me felt loved.
My daughter Nyome always questions why I love him so, you see she doesn't get why I can't see the flaws on our relationship. My response to her has always been he is not perfect but he is my Dad and while it's hard for you to understand because you have your Dad with you 24/7 I have never had that so to me what ever time I have with him is special. We get into very deep philosophical discussions about what she calls my denial.
You see she uses her Dad as the standard of what a father should be like and let me tell you those are some pretty big shoes to fill so I decided the other day we were not going to go there. It was not fair her reality and mine are not the same. I come from a divorced household and two parents who had a feud that put kids in the middle. It's took years for these things to be dealt with and I am so grateful he stayed around and not abandoned us totally. He is an artist who has things to do and places to go and I have always accepted that. He is my Dad and I love him and in the end that is all that matters. Her father has always been there for her teaching her how to ride a bike, how to skate, drive a car. That is Nyome's reality not mine. Her father was the primary caregiver when we moved to Wisconsin from Puerto Rico. Her Dad was Jimmy's primary caregiver his first two years while Nyome was in college and working. So you see two different realities but I know I love my dad as much as she loves hers.
So this post is a tribute to all the men in my family who are father's and have been there for their kids regardless of everything. To my Brother Adalberto, Jeffrey, Alexis who are wonderful fathers who live for their kids and want the best for them. To my husband who is so wonderful there are no words to describe how I feel about this man who after 33 years still makes me feel like I am the most beautiful woman in the world and manages to deal with the bumps that come with being a father to five kids who think they know it all. Someone once told me if you are a good son you will be a good husband and father. My husband was a good son and he is a wonderful father. So this weekend take a moment to celebrate the father's in your life and cherish them and make them feel special. The guy you see here holding this little baby is my brother Jeffrey. He looks like John Michael my youngest son. When I look at him all I can do is smile I have not seen him in person for the last thirty eight years. When I lived in New York we did lots of weekends together and visited with my Dad's family. When we moved to Puerto Rico he stayed with his Mom and my Dad but we didn't see each other. I am planning to go see him with my Nicole sometime soon I hope. My kids were all so happy to get to know this Uncle they have heard about but had never seen. See family is like that when you love each other you deal and you make sure you tell them you love them because life is to short and precious to let these moment go by. Jeff I love you man never doubt that you are my brother and that is more important than anything in the world. The little baby is his grandson and the beautiful woman you see next to him is his wife. So remember tell those father's how special they are and how much you love them it really is very important. Peace out Love yah Wanda
Thanks Wanda for yet another inspiring post. I understand your feelings for your father. I come from a complicated family too and I don't think anyone can really understand why we think and feel the way we do.
wow... very sweet post. You are a strong gal. :) Hugs to you. T
what great men in your life :)
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