A Blog about life and the mind of a creative person who always thinks she has something to say.
He makes me Smile
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Time to speak my mind and share some thoughts!
I wanted to come and write for a while and share what my world has been like the last two months but I wanted to make sure I was ready to look at this as a life lesson that would give me something to share and not something to be sad about. Hard to be able to balance this out because When the person you love most in the world is losing their eyesight it's really hard to smile and say yeah everything is ok.
Let me share this story because my family reads my blog and some of them don't know all that is going on. About a month and a half ago Jose told me something was going on because he only saw shadows through his right eye I decided to make an appointment in the morning with our family Dr who is the most wonderful Dr in the world. Dr. Kyle is a treasure to the medical profession and I am so happy he is our family Dr. Nicole went with her dad to the Appointment as Jose's English is so limited but he and Dr Kyle figured out something was not right and our world changed in an instant.
Emergency appointments with two different eye specialist, our girls there with us for all the appointments people giving us strange looks because our grown daughters are always in the room with us wanting to know what is wrong with their Dad. What is it about this culture that can't understand that not all young adults are uncaring of their parents. Why is it expected that my kids don't respect me or my ideas and that being with us is a good thing not a burden you complain about. I am just saying I am tired of this notion that just because your kids are older and sometimes don't live with you they don't have to care. Pisses me off can you tell. Anyways I digress sorry.
The Dr's initial finding Jose is legally blind from his right eye due to fissures in his Retina they have no idea why so they want to leave the eye alone for three months and then if his eyesight or eye doesn't get better interventions or further treatment is needed. The truth he is not getting better Jose never complain about anything and yesterday he was not happy about the pain and grit in his eye he says it feels like sand in his eye. I think we might be looking for a second opinion soon. He wants to go to Puerto Rico with Nicole at the end of the month and I am thinking that will be a very good thing. I think it's 90% it will happen Nicole being a flight attendant makes that part easier. So when he comes back we go and see the Dr and start talking about a new game plan the concern is that the other eye might be feeling the same way. So keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
Last weekend my son had his car stolen and the drama of that is still being felt by my stomach everything affects my stomach I hate that. We found the car some damage but it's drivable so he can go to work and I guess we are happy for small Miracles and Nyome and Michael who found the car in an apartment complex in Madison because the police is busy fighting real crime. Oh get this when they were talking to John they were asking him if he knew anyone in the buildings John says man we live in Deerfield and all we do is work why must you ask these question please. The car was stolen not borrowed not misplaced it was stolen, I tell yah!! The sad part is the only reason they were asking these question is because the majority of the people living in this particular apartment complex are latinos so of course we had to be lying about the car being stolen. We didn't want charges being brought to anyone we just wanted our car and since we have it end of story.
So to add to my ongoing drama of the last months I don't have a school for next year to work in. I have a contract but no job so life can get a little stressful to say the least. The program I have been working for the last three years got cut by the district due to budgets cuts and lack of educational funding thank you no child left behind and so I find myself with out a job for the time being and feeling lost. I will be working summer school as I have been doing the last 15 years and looking forward to this. Creating books with my kids during the summer that document their lives and the things they are passionate about makes me happy inside. For people who read my blog if you want to donate anything to our classroom let me know by e-mail cardstock is always needed and adhesives. I know I will be taking some photos for some of the kids as I always do and printing them out. I will also be taking senior photos of a very special young man who's life has touched mine in a very special way. Last summer his mom called to ask what did I do to her son whatever it was she was so thankful it was sweet. I kept in touch with him all year and he has done so good and I am so proud of him. So my gift to him will be his senior portraits looking forward to that. I know this is something he wants he just doesn't know it will be my gift to him. See I have to keep looking at the positive of my life.
So you see looking at the positive side of all these things has been a little difficult but in the mist of the storm good things happened and it's a reminder of how lucky and blessed I am. Another blessing my brother Jeffrey is in my life again the magic of the internet is priceless and being able to be in touch after so many years of not seeing each other has been a source of joy. I know he will read this and want to make sure he knows that when I read his emails all I can do is smile.
My oldest sister Eva became a grandmother and she had abuelitis which is a wonderful thing I got pictures of the baby and he is precious and I am so happy for her. Jimmy has been such a blessing in our lives I know Gadiel Eliah will be a blessing for all of them. Lynnette is going to be a wonderful mother. Eva know how much I love you and miss you. I wish I was there with all of you.
So I have not created anything until this week when my muse started saying hey we need to create and I have four projects for Diversity designs. I am working on some projects for scraptalk.com and on other stuff. Will see what the muse brings.
I leave you with some images of the people I love and love me.
Wanda... Thanks for another meaningful post... :)I'm sorry about Jose's loss of his right eye sight but I'm also hoping very strongly that the damage is not permanent. Like the poster above me wrote, the strength of everyone in your family (you included) is absolutely amazing. I can't help but love everyone in your family! Love the photos you posted and the LOs. I don't recognize the little boy wearing those huge eyeglasses. That's not Jimmy, is it?? HUGS.
Hey! I can finally comment on your blog! wooohoooo!
Now...what I gotta tell ya, girl, is ya gotta not worry about what other people think. That you have grown children who care and want to be there is a blessing...and those other people should be pitied. truly. So change the pissy over to pity, okay? promise me. it's healthier...and it's more on target. ;)
OH Wanda, I'm so sad...I know you didn't want us to be, but I am. I know that God always has a plan, and sometimes things may seem so terribly wrong, but things will get better, they always do...ups and downs, life...so hard. I will keep you and your dear family in my prayers. You are a very strong woman I can tell...you will be okay, xxoo Wendy:-)
You have alot going on and yet you seem to remain so solid, That is a blessing in itself. Remember we are never given mor ethan we can handle. We are stronger than we imagine.
Hey Wanda I am here praying for you lady !!!!! I love ya and hang in there and know that this to shall pass right ? I hope Jose's eye starts to heal, keep us updated!
Wanda... Thanks for another meaningful post... :)I'm sorry about Jose's loss of his right eye sight but I'm also hoping very strongly that the damage is not permanent. Like the poster above me wrote, the strength of everyone in your family (you included) is absolutely amazing. I can't help but love everyone in your family! Love the photos you posted and the LOs. I don't recognize the little boy wearing those huge eyeglasses. That's not Jimmy, is it?? HUGS.
(((((((((HUGS)))))))) Wanda, sorry for all that has been happening but I have to say I love your spirit! :)
Hey! I can finally comment on your blog! wooohoooo!
Now...what I gotta tell ya, girl, is ya gotta not worry about what other people think. That you have grown children who care and want to be there is a blessing...and those other people should be pitied. truly. So change the pissy over to pity, okay? promise me. it's healthier...and it's more on target. ;)
you know i love ya!
OH Wanda, I'm so sad...I know you didn't want us to be, but I am. I know that God always has a plan, and sometimes things may seem so terribly wrong, but things will get better, they always do...ups and downs, life...so hard. I will keep you and your dear family in my prayers. You are a very strong woman I can tell...you will be okay, xxoo Wendy:-)
hugs for you, dear friend!! what a worrisome time right now in your life. i wish i were close enough to hug you in real life!
also, i have quite a few things i can send for your project (mainly patterned papers & embellishments) with your great kiddos! let me know how!
You have alot going on and yet you seem to remain so solid, That is a blessing in itself. Remember we are never given mor ethan we can handle. We are stronger than we imagine.
Hey Wanda I am here praying for you lady !!!!! I love ya and hang in there and know that this to shall pass right ? I hope Jose's eye starts to heal, keep us updated!
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