Like my tittle well some days it is hard to be an original so I settle for humor. Tomorrow I start my two week pre-operation Diet. Which means I am on a high protein almost no carbs liquid sort of Diet. Interesting what they allow you to eat and what they don't allow. I am going to start drinking Protein drinks and these will become a staple of my diet for the rest of my life. They are not cheap so it adds up. This weekend between Vitamins for two weeks and protein powder, a small scale and a pill crusher, I spent over 175.00 bucks. I knew this process was going to be expensive but I had no Idea. So less money for supplies for my hobby but I do take donations of any kind. LOL I think that the thing that intrigues me the most is how insurance does not cover these vitamins you have to take for the rest of your life. The bottle is 26.00 dollars it comes with 120 and I have to chew on four a day. When you get bypass surgery a lot of medications will have to be taken in liquid form or chewable. Your body needs to absorb as many vitamins as possible before they are loss to poor reabsorbing this is the best method to take medication and you need to take them as the Doctor tells you. So a bottle of these pills will last me 30 days so every month I will be spending a good chunk of money of things I have to take the rest of my life I know this is a good thing but this is on top of grocery money, so I sure hope my work starts getting picked up for publication cause Wanda needs the money. The dream of a Cannon 30D or a 5d is a thing of the past right now, I can't afford neither of them I know the kids were talking about getting me the camera but right now they are going through some crisis of their own so I really don't think it is going to happen. Last Night my son Giovanni's car motor blew on his car so that is going to put him down a lot of money and he just had surgery on his mouth and that is more money. John Michael is busy planning all his trips for next year and buying plane tickets and plane reservations. So my dream of owning this camera needs to be put aside because I do need a Bed and a dresser our Mattress set was purchased in 1989 and being that I am not a small woman and that bed has held all the family at one point or another. It is a tired bed and needs to be replaced not sure if it can happen, but it needs to happen. I wish I was someone who did not have to worry about money and expenses but I do, some things will need to be sacrificed so others can happen. I know I have to buy the vitamins I need and I know I have to buy the protein it is really essential to be committed to your health when you undergo Bariatic surgery so I can't take it lightly. I took me three years to make this decision I want to be healthy to enjoy the benefits of having the surgery. It is important that I remember this. I was busy this weekend creating and thinking about my family, I miss my Dad a lot there are times I just wish he would be around just to give him a hug. I know he is OK my step mom called me on Thanksgiving and left a message saying they were all OK but I do miss the guy. I talked to my oldest Sister this weekend that is always a nice experience love her to pieces. There are times I feel so torn with all the things going on in my life, some are good some are not so good but if I keep everything in perspective I know I am so blessed these things will all pass. In my Dream World Cannon people will read my blog. Hey you never know right. Who is out there in Cyber world. So I decided to make a list of the things I dream of having but at this time are not going to happen because my health is more of a priority and lets face it money does not grow on trees.
My Wish List includes
1. A Cannon 5D or a 30D
2. A laptop computer so I can be mobile Apple or PC I love them both.
3. A New floor for my Kitchen
4. A new something for our one and only bathroom don't know how eight people can live in a one bathroom house come and talk to us.
5. A New bed
6. A New Dresser
7. A New TV and DVD player
8. The WII for Jimmy so he can play the weeks that we have him.
9. That the soldiers come back home
10. That everyday people remember to count their blessings regardless of the blows life gives them it is what keeps me sane.
11. I also need a new deck because ours is falling apart and since it is like Five feet of the ground that can be dangerous. I try not to be outther much so if it breaks I don't get blamed.
I have to upload my latest work but in the meantime some oldies but goodies I have created in the past!! Here are also the new stuff I created this weekend!! Make sure to say hello if you stop by!! Hugs Wanda