A Blog about life and the mind of a creative person who always thinks she has something to say.
He makes me Smile
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Some people touch your lives and you just have to say Thank you!
Nature is a beautiful thing, it reminds us of renewal and of the things that are worth fighting for in life. I keep going back to my mantra to live life with a purpose making your life count for something. This is something that I am thinking about constantly to be able to articulate these thoughts and sound coherent well that is an animal of a different color. I wanted in this post today to celebrate some of the things I love. I love nature the beauty it brings me everyday when I open my eyes and I am able to see the beautiful things I am surrounded by. My family, friend, flowers. I love the Jimmy this child is such a joy and such a special kid. Today I was getting my hair cut and he says after I am done Oh Abuela you look beautiful. Now tell me if that is not special. My family well what can I say I love them all faults and all. Friend well this is what I am going to be focusing on today. I have the honor of working with an awesome team DDD7 designs these ladies are part of my daily life and I love them all getting to meet most of them in CHA Vegas was wonderful, I look forward to meeting Caro soon. Sharing these time with them made me realize how lucky I am to have people like this in my life. Everyday I want them to know I celebrate them and their creativity and the love they share for me. It is nothing I take for granted.
Today I want to talk about a very special Lady her name is Teri I met her some years ago we were in the same Design team Paper Love designs and now we are in another team Scraptalk.com we are Pink Ladies. Well the story goes we have been talking through the net many years and finally this January we got to meet at CHA and all I have to say is what a wonderful caring human being she is. We saw each other and there it was that instant recognition of two kindred souls who know what it is to live in adversity and have creativity as a outlet. The more we talked the more I felt like I was talking to a sister and it made me realize how fortunate I am to have been connected to people like this through this art of mine. Teri is an artist that thinks outside the box and is always pushing boundaries of creativity. She was doing the whole hand journaling thing before it was cool. Freestyle was a Teri thing before freestyle got a name. The thing about teri is that she is humble and quiet but she is an artist and she is also my friend what an honor to be able to call you that. Teri to many years of friendship and to the true meaning of pure art which is you!! Hugs Wanda
Oh my sweet Wanda, you always manage to "sacarme las lagrimas!" You are sooo sweet and I agree with you, we sometimes forget to enjoy the simple things in life which are the only real things. Well said about Teri, she is a sweetheart. love ya, Dayami
Oh Wanda, that was suh an inspiring text you wrote there and so so true what you said about people touching our lives. You are one great lady too and so is Teri. I had the great joy of meeting her too at that Two Peas Dinner. What fun we had with her. She is indeed one very talented and kind lady. We all seem so happy on that picture you posted (I am in red). I miss you guys all so very much. Wish we could go back to January again just so we could all meet again.. Love ya girl!!! And thank you for sharing. Hugs Gigi
Wanda, You are seriously the best ever. It seriously makes me all misty-again reading this again. So glad to know and call you my friend.... and to have finally met you in person. And be sure to give those sweet DDD7 sistahs a big old hug for me. They are all so beyond kind! So glad to have met them as well!
You're a beautiful soul, dearest Wanda. (((hugs)))
You really live true to yourself Wanda and I so admire and respect you for that.You are a wonderful lady and I love you !
Awwwwww! Wanda, you know that is the sweetest thing! (((((hugs))))) to you and I could not agree more:)
Oh my sweet Wanda, you always manage to "sacarme las lagrimas!"
You are sooo sweet and I agree with you, we sometimes forget to enjoy the simple things in life which are the only real things. Well said about Teri, she is a sweetheart.
love ya,
Oh Wanda, that was suh an inspiring text you wrote there and so so true what you said about people touching our lives. You are one great lady too and so is Teri. I had the great joy of meeting her too at that Two Peas Dinner. What fun we had with her. She is indeed one very talented and kind lady. We all seem so happy on that picture you posted (I am in red). I miss you guys all so very much. Wish we could go back to January again just so we could all meet again.. Love ya girl!!! And thank you for sharing.
You have such a wonderful, beautiful perspective and I am so thankful to call you a friend!!!! Thanks for being such a great friend!
Never change Wanda, you're truly inspiring!!!
You are seriously the best ever. It seriously makes me all misty-again reading this again.
So glad to know and call you my friend.... and to have finally met you in person.
And be sure to give those sweet DDD7 sistahs a big old hug for me. They are all so beyond kind! So glad to have met them as well!
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