Nature is a beautiful thing, it reminds us of renewal and of the things that are worth fighting for in life. I keep going back to my mantra to live life with a purpose making your life count for something. This is something that I am thinking about constantly to be able to articulate these thoughts and sound coherent well that is an animal of a different color. I wanted in this post today to celebrate some of the things I love. I love nature the beauty it brings me everyday when I open my eyes and I am able to see the beautiful things I am surrounded by. My family, friend, flowers. I love the Jimmy this child is such a joy and such a special kid. Today I was getting my hair cut and he says after I am done Oh Abuela you look beautiful. Now tell me if that is not special. My family well what can I say I love them all faults and all. Friend well this is what I am going to be focusing on today. I have the honor of working with an awesome team DDD7 designs these ladies are part of my daily life and I love them all getting to meet most of them in CHA Vegas was wonderful, I look forward to meeting Caro soon. Sharing these time with them made me realize how lucky I am to have people like this in my life. Everyday I want them to know I celebrate them and their creativity and the love they share for me. It is nothing I take for granted.
Today I want to talk about a very special Lady her name is Teri I met her some years ago we were in the same Design team Paper Love designs and now we are in another team we are Pink Ladies. Well the story goes we have been talking through the net many years and finally this January we got to meet at CHA and all I have to say is what a wonderful caring human being she is. We saw each other and there it was that instant recognition of two kindred souls who know what it is to live in adversity and have creativity as a outlet. The more we talked the more I felt like I was talking to a sister and it made me realize how fortunate I am to have been connected to people like this through this art of mine. Teri is an artist that thinks outside the box and is always pushing boundaries of creativity. She was doing the whole hand journaling thing before it was cool. Freestyle was a Teri thing before freestyle got a name. The thing about teri is that she is humble and quiet but she is an artist and she is also my friend what an honor to be able to call you that. Teri to many years of friendship and to the true meaning of pure art which is you!! Hugs Wanda
See that title it is the mantra that I live my life under. I refuse to be anything but honest and sincere about who I am and what I stand for. That may not always mean I am the most popular person in the world but it means that I am living life with a purpose. I am having one of those weeks where I see the extremes of raising a family that is closed knit and that cares deeply for each other. The good that comes from that like the girls doing groceries while I am at work. Jose folding all my clothes when he does the laundry and bringing it upstairs so I can put it away. The tears shed for a life gone because of the cruelty of our society and the inability to address the issues of mental instability and sickness that are suffered in our country and the world. I truly believe that this is the reason people automedicate and use drugs legal or illegal. I am tired of seeing life wasted and not lived with a purpose. I am thinking something should be done but some days it's hard for me to see the light. So I continue to say to those I love I love them and try to guide them in anyway I can through a path of enlightenment so they can make choices that will help them live a life of purpose. I have to keep reminding myself how important the path is, not for me to walk it for them but to make sure I am there to pick them up if they need some help along the way. You don't stop being a mother because your children grow up. It becomes an even more complex situation because not only are you a mother sometimes you have to be a friend and sometimes you just have to be. I think that one is the hardest for me because even though Nyome says I don't want to admit I have control issues I know I do and letting go it's not easy at all but I do it even when it pains me. That is motherhood in a nutshell this give and take of love respect and flexibility that at the end of the day allows you to be hugged by your kid and be told everyday you are loved. I never get tired of hearing that those words help me get up in the morning and face the day.
In the designing front I am working on some projects and I am one of the Artist highlighted on
I was also asked to be a part of their design team and I am honored by the request looking forward to the challenge.
I leave you with some of my pages that I haven't share yet on my blog.
All my life I have been grateful for family it is what keeps me centered and gives me strength and allows me to find a purpose. I look at my family as my legacy on this earth. Not perfect but with a purpose. My new mantra for my life is going to be LIVE LIFE WITH A PURPOSE. I am trying to get the message across that regardless of who you are and what you do you always can live a life of purpose. Make your life count touch a life in some way shape or form, either by a smile, a touch, a little note that lets them know you care. Stand up against racism and prejudice, don't sit down quietly when you see an injustice, above all be the best person you can be. We all have problems but if all we do is dwell on them how is that going to help you move on and live life with a purpose.
Don't get me wrong I have a lot of worries and they are all very real. I am always worried about money because I really am the working poor in order for me to go to school and get my degree I had to obtain a lot of Debt and that is never fun. I was just surplus from my job and it adds a stress I don't need in my life. The only good thing is that I do have a 13 year seniority and a strong Union so I think I will have a job next year not sure where but hopeful where ever it is I will live a life with a purpose.
For people that follow my blog I am still selling scarves you can start getting ready for Christmas gifts or next winter. Feel free to email me if you have any questions. I leave you with all these photos I took yesterday as my girls, grandson and our dog Amapola where outside enjoying a beautiful day. Hugs Wanda
Remember Live life with a purpose it means something!