So here I am trying to update my blog and trying to update my life. That is not an easy task. Life as always keeps throwing curve balls my way and I keep batting them the best I can. On March 30 I turned 48 and it was one of the best birthday's I have celebrated. I love my birthday so i used all the month to do a count down at school and the kids celebrated with me.
I was a very happy woman that day. I enjoyed the sharing with my my kids and grand kids. I have three grand kids, Jimmy 9, Zion 19 months and little Jose Miguel almost 3 months old. this keeps me busy with all the scrapbooking I have to create. My photography as always keeps me busy with my family. I am wanting and salivating over a Cannon D50 I really need a new Camera but can't afford it unless my jewelery starts selling at a quicker pace my error has been not keeping an updated blog.
I am running two clubs at school scrapbooking/photography meets two days after school till six and on Saturdays from 10 to six, this keeps me busy. I also run debate theater on Tuesdays, which keeps me going going. Life is never boring for me. I have been creating lots hopefully I will share more later.
1 comment:
Apreciada Wandita
Que bueno saber nuevamente de ti. Felicidades por el nuevo miembro de la familia.
Un afuerte abrazo, Sony
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