Ok I should be in Bed I have to work and life is bad enough with out sleep but I am reminded I have this blog and I like to write and put things down on paper for a reason and so the computer calls and I answer the request. Maybe it's just my compulsive nature but here I am talking as if someone is actually reading what I have to say.
Last year I was working towards a goal get published more, working on it, Design for Manufacturers that loved my work and who's product made me happy. DDD7 makes me happy, same-differences makes me happy, being a freelance Designer makes me happy. Designing for Croppers Cottage makes me happy and working with Deb at Scraptalk.com makes me happy too. I was asked at CHA to be part of the Grassroots team and I said Yes surreal I tell you but that made me very happy and there is other stuff I am working on and hopefully I can share later.
The biggest thing that I feel has happened to me is that I decided not to enter HOF and I am happy with my choice I worked really hard on all my entries and that makes me happy but I did not want to enter just because I wanted to enter. I wanted to enter if I believed in what I was doing. So since I was not believing in what I was doing I decided not to enter and focus on the things I am doing right now. See simple! Right not!
These pages are just three of my HOF Layouts I love them all but I will have to share little by little so you keep coming back.
The New Spanish line by DDD7 was a hit and it's so beautiful people keep asking me when will it be available my answer is soon. The new French papers are to die for and I get to play with all this stuff I tell you. This is why I am happy.
The scarves are doing well I will post pictures of the ones I have left so if you are interested you can buy. I need the money to buy the printer and all those new things coming out. Hey in return you get a beautiful scarf and I am also making flip flops more on that later when Donna post a photo of the ones I gave her and her daughter.
This post is about being happy even when things are not perfect, I love my life drama and all and I love the people that touch my life!! Leave a message if you read this!!
Hugs Wanda