Blogging has to become again a way I live my life, it gave me perspective and a reason to reflect in a very open space. Our lives have been hit by tragedy and sometimes we failed to See the blessing right in front of us. Love is really the common denominator that connects us all and should be the focus of my energy. I love that I can reflect
on my life and embrace the things I can't change, and celebrate the ones that make me happy. This photo of me and my student teacher Cristina as we were headed to prom to Chaperon the dance. It was so much fun and when I am in the reflective mode I realize I have to celebrate the only life I have. There is no point in complaining about the things we cant control. I want to live life as if each day brings a new beginning and within this philosophy I will always embrace all my imperfections. I will love all the moments good or bad because it means I am alive and that is always a good thing.