Today I come to my blog with the full knowledge that I have neglected one of the things that kept me sane. I needed to find a focus for my spirit and writing has always been the place to go when I was not feeling safe.

Then tragedy hits my family and the thing that kept me sane became the thing I feared the most. To sit down and write down my thoughts and strip my soul, became an unbearable proposition. I would sit on my computer and was paralyzed and not able to connect to all those people that have been my
cyber friends for so many years, that saw me develop as an artist and that knew some of the struggles of my family. Now here I am feeling more at peace and being able to sit down a write and let the free flow of words be my salvation and my connection to humanity. I think that even if the fear of being out there and just saying what you feel, I can connect with just one person then my vulnerability becomes a strength.
Life as always in our family is not boring and is always full of many things. Zion just turned a year old on September 10, and here is his one year Photos, I have hundreds more but these where the one that I wanted to post today. The talk to me and tell me that even though his life has been touched by tragedy the love that we all have for him has made him flourish and become this amazing human being that always makes me smile. Jimmy started Third grade this year and although his Autism some days makes school such a hard place for him, he manages to make lemonades out the lemons he has been dealt. I am constantly in awe of all the things I learn being around him. I think that what he brings into our life is this new way to look at the world imperfections become perfection, because after all who is really perfect, and who is to say that the way he perceives the world is really that strange. I love watching Jimmy with Zion, the way he has taken to being a big brother and how protective he is of Zion and how much he loves him. I watch Zion follow him around and wanting to be like his big brother and I am filled with this immense love that burst inside of me because after all that is what family is all about loving each other with no conditions put on that love.
There are really no words in the world that can
truly explain how I feel so sometimes it is easier to let the camera capture how I see the people I love and what they bring to me. It is through the camera that I can capture what I call the
essence of my love for them. Hope that life is good to all of you and I promise to write more often and show you more of what I have been up to. To all my friends thank you for not giving up on me, as friends go you guys are golden, I don't think I can say the same for myself, I love you all and missed you. Hugs today and always Wanda