Today I was tired and feeling not to good I have no idea what is going on but my body is kind of telling me that I might be getting sick. So my goal was to get home and rest, but to all well made plans a little boy must fall and so the title of this entry falls. You see this little boy is not just any little boy he is my grandson and not only he is my grandson he is my only grandson so in my world he can't really do any wrong.

I had to stop at the supermarket before I got home had to buy meat and some essential and some none essential like popsicles and potato chips. See when Jimmy asks me for something it's really hard to say no. Now don't get me wrong I am not a pushover but he is such a good boy how can I say no. He really does not eat candy or cookies Oreo once in a while so Popsicles are a treat of choice and potato chips are too.
So I got the groceries and when I get home I see the leaves in our front yard and so this story is born. I wanted to take pictures of the leaves and I wanted to take some photos of Jimmy he is growing so much and since I see him every other week I feel I miss so much of his life. So this week we are going to the pumpkin patch and I will try to spend some time with him. Here are some photos from today.